Christmas Post

  • Company
    17K GmbH
  • Year
  • Type
    Generative Design
  • Software
  • My Part

During my internship at 17k, my fellow interns and I had the task of designing and implementing personalized Christmas cards for our business partners. Our approach was to analyze the email traffic between our company and the recipients to create a unique generative design concept.

The design featured lines representing incoming and outgoing emails, forming a Christmas tree. The number of branches on the tree correlated with the volume of emails, creating a visually engaging representation. The cards showcased email traffic from January to November, with months arranged like a calendar for easy reference.

My primary focus during this project was on the technical implementation. I developed a script to convert email data into readable JSON files, which served as the basis for the generative design. Additionally, I created an application to control the draw plotter, a device used to bring our designs to life on the physical cards.

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