Applied Magic

  • Institution
    Media University Stuttgart
  • Year
  • Type
    Interactive Installation
  • Software
  • My Part
    Head of Programming
    Media Technology Planing
    Physical Prototyping
    Generative Art Creation

The interactive installation Applied Magic presents media technology and showcases examples. It reflects various technological devices as well as their intended content. The installation represents the old media archive of our university. There are four aisles of shelves filled with media related objects that range from historical to state of the art devices. The visitors get a flash light to illuminate the path through the aisle and trigger “Magic Media Moment”, short “MMM”. This can be the start of a video or the playing of a vinyl recorder.

Each of the four aisles represents a distinct specialization within our bachelor's program: still image, moving image, sound, and games. Positioned in the heart of the installation is a projected head sculpture, symbolizing the creative genius of the students behind every media project.

This ambitious project brought together a team of 16 individuals. As part of this endeavor, I was involved at the planning and design process. My main task was directing the programming and media control. I was developing the software for two aisles. Additionally, I was responsible for planning the network and cable infrastructure. I engaged in physical prototyping and "hacked" selected electronic devices. Moreover, I had the opportunity to design and implement the generative visuals projected onto the head sculpture.

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